The Elections workgroup has begun advance planning for our next election in November and in the interests of transparency, we'd like to point out a few useful links. Our FAQs have been updated, with further updates coming soon, and the timeline for 2012 is now available. The FAQs now answer a lot of the questions that came up last year, so please do read them, and let us know if you have any concerns or queries.
We've made a few changes to the format of the chats and questions to candidates, to give voters a fair chance to ask questions while making it equal for all candidates and without burdening them with excessive time commitments. You can see some of the details in the FAQs, and we'll be explaining more over the next few months.
Our Elections Officer this year is Jenny Scott-Thompson, supported by a workgroup of people from Communications and Webmasters.
If you'd like to vote in the election, you need to be a member - i.e. have donated $10 to the OTW within the past year. If you've been a staffer for at least a year, you'll be getting an email about nominations in early September, but feel free to contact Jenny or the workgroup with any questions in the meantime.